So the run up to Christmas has well and truly started but as we all know, Christmas can be a stressful affair, even if it is the most wonderful time of the year! 

By the time we have to deal with organising presents, seeing family and friends as well as cooking the all important Christmas lunch, it sometimes seems that all the pressure of having a great day can actually mean that we end up feeling exhausted before the day has even started! 

So this year here at Quirky we wanted to share some words of wisdom on how to survive Christmas.  Let us know which ones are your favourite or if you have any tips that we can share on our social media pages!




Tip no. 1 from Louise: Don’t overspend! 

Did you know that so many people go into debt at Christmas, buying gifts that they simply can’t afford and then spend the next 6 months of the year paying them off. This year my family has gone for a secret santa style of giving, so although the kiddies in the family will still be treated, we are all only buying one present for our chosen adult. This has not only reduced the stress of trying to find a present for someone that actually you may not know very well, but has significantly reduced cost too! Check it out here:





Furthermore, many families are now engaging in or at least being guided by the four gift rule for their children which can be remembered by a quirky little ditty: Something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read! 





Tip no.2 from Liz: Embrace the chaos

Embrace the Chaos - So many people feel overwhelmed over the festive period trying to get things 'right'. For me, remembering that the perfect Christmas doesn't exist and embracing things that don't quite go to plan is the key to keeping stress at bay. I try not to get caught up in the hype or pressure. Wrapping the perfect present, dressing a designer table or cooking a gourmet meal (I'm not Gordon Ramsay to be honest) for me isn't so important -  the time spent with family, friends and loved ones is what really matters. Let go of perfection is my top tip. Life is unpredictable and that's what makes it special. Keep a sense of humor and go with the flow.




 Tip no. 3 from Carol: Christmas Cards

Not sure if you feel the same but I used to get extremely stressed with trying to find the time in the busy days leading up to Christmas to write Christmas cards to my family and friends that I would see over the festive period and personally wish them a Merry Christmas. So I took the decision to STOP.

For the past number of years with the money I have saved from buying commercial cards I now give to a charity. Not only does this relieve the pressure on my time but it gives me a good Christmas feel factor knowing that I am supporting worthy charities such as Macmillan's. I have to say that a lot of my family and friends are now doing the same. A Win Win in my book!

 Tip no.4 from Jess: Be original: 

I don’t like to do Xmas (or anything) the traditional way. We like to get OUT as our way of celebrating, rather than doing the tellie and chocolates thing. I like to challenge myself and work up an appetite for my turkey. This is me last year after a swim in the sea on Xmas morning. (It does help that I live in Spain.) And the year before we as a family walked 100km arriving into Valencia on New Years Eve. Wonderful memories!



Tip no.5 from Kym: Don’t forget to relax!

If, like me, you tend to overthink things, Christmas can be stressful. Trying to get everything done, and worrying about everything you still have to do.

But just remember that everything can’t be perfect, you won’t get the perfect present for everyone, you won’t get all your jobs done. And on the day, you can’t plan every detail and have everything happen just as you’d imagined, especially when there’s a lot of you!

My advice would be to try and go with the flow, something I’d like to do more this Christmas. Switch off the worries for a little while. Sit back, relax and enjoy the quality time together.