QuirkyAccom.com is a directory of unusual accommodation.

We bring together 100s of amazing places to stay in one place so you can find that perfect getaway for you. We make it easy for you to search, price and book. We are delighted to assist you in making an instant booking or booking request with the owner, or occasionally via an agent.

There are no hidden charges / no booking fees added by QuirkyAccom.

Use the Check Availability link on each listing to show availability, get a price and make a booking decision. When you click Book It to agree a price, you add your contact details and agree the owners terms. This means you are ready to book. At this point either the owner will agree your booking and you are given details on how to pay them, you are passed to their own online booking system to complete the process, or you can pay straight away to secure your stay. Payments are made directly to the owner via Open Banking, a regular bank transfer or by card (via Stripe). We do not hold your money. Your payment goes to the owner and your booking is made with them.

Payment options

The best way to narrow down your search is to select from the colourful hand-drawn icons found on the Homepage and continue until you have a manageable selection of properties to choose from. Within a couple of clicks our innovative search will help you find the right place!

From our Homepage, you can do a date search, or use the icon for county or region if you have a specific place you want to be. Or even easier - select the icon Holiday Rentals near Me and you will get the distance of those properties nearest (as the crow flies) from where you are.

If looking for a discount start on this page - Late Deals / Specials Offers page, click the Property card of interest to see the offer and details.

For a more advanced search, choose by budget - go to our Homepage, then use the search to the top right. Or you can assess alternative search pages.

We feature unique budget accommodation to top end luxury - and everything inbetween. If selecting from Low / Medium / High budgets the price guidelines are based on a nightly rate for 2 people as follows. 

Low Budget -         up to £100 

Medium Budget -   up to £250   

High Budget -         anything higher    

Many of our properties offer Gift Vouchers. Do contact the owner's of those listed to enquire. Unfortunately as we do not take bookings directly at QuirkyAccom we are unable to offer a general voucher for all properties we feature.

If you get stuck, contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Once you have selected a property of interest you can quickly see if it meets your requirements. Click Check Availability link to get a price.

Payment will always be to the owner or agent and under their own terms - not made to or by QuirkyAccom.com.

Stay somewhere unique! Creative property owners wish to share their dream with you, making an extra effort to make your stay special. With so many wonderful places out there, there's no need to stay in an ordinary hotel ever again.

QuirkyAccom.com - where unusual is usual.