Nestled within woodland along the banks of the great Rufiji River lies Selous River Camp, an enchanting safari camp tucked into the untamed African bush adjacent to the vast, unfenced Selous Game Reserve.
Arguably the best value for money in the Selous, the camp offers a choice of accommodation - comfortable Mudhut rooms with ensuite bathrooms and beautiful views over the Rufiji River or simple Camping Tents for the budget minded traveller.
Meals are lovingly prepared by the chefs using fresh produce and served in the thatched, open-plan dining area situated overlooking the water.
Guests at the Selous River Camp are treated to an unforgettable safari experience - on Game Drives in open sided safaricruisers, Walking Safaris through the Selous Game Reserve and Boat Safaris.
This is the perfect location for the nature enthusiast who seeks an intimate environment and warm hospitality at an affordable price.
The 5 unique Mudhuts are situated along the river bank and can sleep 4 people. Traditionally made, the huts are constructed entirely from mud and sticks and thatched with palm leaves. Inside the huts are comfortable with furniture made in camp from tree branches, palm and old poachers wooden canoes. Each Mudhut has an en-suite bathroom with hot water shower, hand made terracotta wash basin and flush toilet. The huts are lit with a mixture of kerosene lamps and solar lighting and we use local kitenge cloth for all the soft furnishings.
Camping tents with 2 single beds are located in the forest campsite. Bedding, chairs, a table and palm leaf mats are provided. Separate, shared bathrooms are located nearby are clean, airy and insect free. None of the tents have electricity and the campsite is lit in the evenings with paraffin lamps.
Rates are based on Full Board and are $200 a night for 2 in the Mud Hut, or $130 for 2 in a tent. Enquire about safari packages.